Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A*RT!? Happens…Paris: You’re Late? Blame Dali

Rounding the corner off of Boulevard St Germain onto Rue Saint Jacques in Paris is this unassuming, very cool and bizarre piece from surrealist master Salvador Dali.

The story behind this sundial is…

Friday, April 23, 2010

Surrounded by Quicksand and History at Mont St. Michel: Normandy- Part Deux

I headed to the Musée Historique located right outside the exit of the Mont Saint Michel abbey. Small alleys and stone walkways lead around to the Musée Historique. The museum was small, and in my opinion, overpriced at €9 per person, but I was only here for one day and didn’t want to miss the dungeons and old treasures housed there.

Visit my blog for my story about this dark and interesting museum at Mont Saint Michel!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Surrounded by Quicksand and History at Mont St. Michel: Normandy, France

When I decided to move to Paris my biggest fear was that I expected to get very homesick. But, after living here for the past eight months one of my biggest surprises has been that I haven’t! That’s not because I don’t love my family and friends or think that the USA is a great place to live- it’s because that since moving to Paris there hasn’t been much time that passes that someone doesn’t come here to visit!

Just last week I spent nine days touring my aunt and cousin around Paris and then we took a side trip to Normandy to visit a very impressive UNESCO World Heritage Site site, Mont Saint Michel.

To read my story about my visit to Mont Saint Michel please visit my blog www.MuseumChick.com.

Monday, April 12, 2010

A*RT!? Happens…in Paris

Living in Paris has taught me that I don’t have to go to the museums to find art- Paris has taught me to find art in everyday things. This has inspired me to start a series of posts at my blog, MuseumChick, called A*RT!? (Art) Happens, about random art spotting in unconventional places.

Here are some of the unconventional places where I find art in Paris…

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Braving Storms for the Dead Sea Scrolls in Jordan

It was perfect timing for a storm…when I was on top of the highest point in the city of Amman, Jordan…the Citadel mountain. Wind and heavy rain was spraying from everywhere so the umbrella couldn’t help. Oops! Then there went the umbrella...but it didn’t matter because I was already soaked. I made a run for it. Straight to the Jordan Archaeological Museum’s steep staircase, running past the Roman ruins of the Citadel. I would have to see them later. I know, this may seem a little dramatic but I was on a mission to see the Dead Sea Scrolls.

My story of the Jordan Archaeological Museum at my blog!

Monday, April 5, 2010

I'm Not Always So Serious: Comic Strip, Brussels

Everywhere you turn in Brussels you can see the proud comic strip heritage. Around the city there are comic scenes scaling the side of 6 story buildings, Tin Tin overload in the stores and an entire museum dedicated to comic strips- The Belgian Comic Strip Center/Museum. This museum is perfect for children (and nerdy husbands, like mine). Also, the Comic Strip Center is located in the The Waucquez Warehouses, designed by Belgian Art Nouveau architect, Victor Horta.

To follow my visit to the Comic Strip Museum in Brussels...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Too Much Belgian Beer? Go to the Memling Hospital Museum in Bruges

Planning an escape from Paris to Belgium started with a visit to Brussels, meeting artists and visiting the brand new Magritte Museum. Then Mr. MuseumChick and I couldn't decide if we should we do a day trip to Bruges or Antwerp?

The photogenic city of Bruges won and we planned our search for the best beer, the ultimate chocolate and the most fragrant sugar waffles we could find. And in between taste-testing all the sweets I made a visit to the most curious museum...a medieval hospital turned museum.

The Memling Sint-Janshospitaal Museum (St. John's Hospital) is the odd combination of a museum, a 13th century hospital and Baroque church. It is the oldest preserved hospital building in all of Europe and the museum inside gives the visitor a look at this medieval hospital ward in the time it functioned.

Visit this bizarre museum with me at www.MuseumChick.com